This is a fully automated extracting tool. This is not a WinRAR or WinZIP replacement but quite a useful util when you want to extract large quantum of archives. The program makes a queue of every rar added to the list and extract them one by one. This way you can peacefully play your games (or sleep) while extracting. It also have optional functions to cleanup (removing archives after extract). You should try it, it is free and you’ll get a notice when a program update is available, that way you’ll always have the latest version. Other functions like minimize to tray, thread priority etc. are also available.
Current version is: v1.5.0 build: 1909
- Fixed support for Windows 2003 server and Windows Home Server (captionbuttons messing up)
- Added support for password protected files! (With a simple timeout)
- Added right-click option for “Extract to destination” on found-archives
- Added right-click option for “Rescan same directory” on scan
- Created a SFV-checked option for Autounpacker so it will not rescan same SFV file again
- Zip-support added!
- Possible to add archives in archives directly to the queue
- Added option for ignoring the found window and directly extract everything it find
- Made the cleanup functions smarter, and fixed a small bug in the renaming feature
- Now possible to save unfinished extraction queue to file on exit and reload it on startup (or a crash)
- Logfile support added
- Also possible to rename the directory you’ve extracted from
- Possible to pause/resume on Unpacker & Autocopy
- AutoCopy can now operate in quiet mode
- Possible to set thread priority
- Autoscan directories by given interval
- Check autoscanned archives against the SFV file
- Automatic adding to queue when archive is equal to SFV, so you don’t have to
- Recursive scan of harddrive anywhere in Explorer for archives
- Archives can be queued for process
- Each archive is extracted one by one
- Possible (optional) to clean up the archive files after use
Feedback from other sites:
UnPacker 1.5.0 download
on File Fishstick
Unpacker donations: 2 euros
How to save the error log ? if the files are zip and rars and one of them are corrupted so while the unpacking we should only see the errors log in some log file and it should be shown in the program with a bility to copy it as a clip copy
please add it to the next version , if you extracting 14000 plus folder you dont want to keep searching for which is done extract good but only which ones didnt extract so we can also need right click options to open the folders
and also mark the folders with the red color that the one didnt get unpacked well for some rars zips reasons
the program work perfect its just very poor and not updated for very long time.
hope you can reply and do something about it , 100 $ donation is nothing for some coders who are working to make it easy for others.
thank you.,
Oh no..
MIrror anyone? Lost this app in a PC change and both download urls are 404.
hi Lars,
can you maybe do an overhaul and make it compatible with Win10?
also, a couple of clearly intact winrar 5.* archives are missed during the detection
can donate you 15eurs, maybe others will too, when it is fully working. as long as theres the scene, this tool is a true gem.
sorry the missed archives are actually before RAR 5 archives
This is one of the best things to ever hit the waves. If you are trying to properly un-do what those ingenious torrent packers do–without frustration, this bad-ware will do it.
Doesn’t open a window since last week. New installation doesn’t help. Anyone with the same problem?
Hi grisu,
There is probably something wrong with the window placement stored in registry.
Use the registry editor and go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\
Delete the “folders”:
www. Autounpacker
www. Unpacker
This will loose your config setup.
If you like to keep your setup and just restore window position, delete the “folders” under the www. Unpacker
Regards. Lars
That did the trick. Thanks
One thing I forgot: it was under current user and not local machine
Feb 2023, been using unlocker since it’s creation and just a couple months ago it stopped working, no idea why. But I tried this reg fix and it fixed it, all these years later. Thanks a ton for making this software!
Thank you for the kind words RJ
Ingenious and unique software for fully extracting archives including all archives within! Please never stop developing it. Though it took me a long time to find UnPacker. And nowadays I am mostly using OS X. Any OS X port in the making?
where can i find a good manual for this program, my installation keeps deleting all my files, rars and extracted
Oh, SHOOG, You must have gotten the “UNPAC-A-DELETER.” You, see, these platforms unpack every single file on you PC. And, sometimes they even add other peoples files. But, they are good if you hate your computer.