If you are interesting to translate SizeMe into another language, please write a comment with your name, email and language. Then I’ll give you a notice and a text-file to translate later on
If you are interesting to translate SizeMe into another language, please write a comment with your name, email and language. Then I’ll give you a notice and a text-file to translate later on
I can make a russian version
Could I translate to Italian version?
Let me know if you want this cool app to be translated to Turkish.
I can translate to Spanish too
I can translate to Spanish version.
I can translate to Polish version.
your Software ist very good. You ask for an translation, so ich will do that for the German language.
Best regards
Bernhard Lohse
Hello! your software is cool. I can make the Portuguese Brazillian version. If interest you, contact me. Best regards.
I can make a French version (France)
Yo blog is cool. I like the design!
I’ll make the hungarian translation.
I’ll make the german translation.
Ready for the Dutch translation
ready to translate in french (can.)
We run a private translation and localisation business (English – Polish). We have come across your program accidentally, but it suits our needs and we like it very much, that’s why this message.
We would be happy to provide you with the Polish-language version for SizeMe, all for free (as long as your program is freeware), just in return for a credit note in your website
and in the program window/help about our translation.
If our idea is OK with you, please let us know what we can do for you.
Best regards,
Kate & Mark
Studio Arte … Image and text for business
English-Polish Translation
Ready for Swedish localization.
Ready for italian localization!