Hardware.no has been a good source for techno-information for years.
Now in the days of commercials Adblock is a must to survive in the jungle of information.
But when sites are doing a semi-paid commercial thingy, I get annoyed:
Adblock = ON
Adblock = OFF
If you also got annoyed, add this filter to your adblock-exception-rules:
If you don’t care about comments on the site, block jQuery all together, add:
Earlier attempts does not work as expected. This will hide the commercial and show content
That way the commercials and popups are long-gone-silver.
HW.no is active and tries to block attempts for blocking this.
If they are serious they should use sessions and hide articles behind a userportal solution.
If you have other sites that you would like to share tips like this, please let me know in the comment field!