Hardware.no has been a good source for techno-information for years.
Now in the days of commercials Adblock is a must to survive in the jungle of information.
But when sites are doing a semi-paid commercial thingy, I get annoyed:
Adblock = ON
Adblock = OFF
If you also got annoyed, add this filter to your adblock-exception-rules:
If you don’t care about comments on the site, block jQuery all together, add:
Earlier attempts does not work as expected. This will hide the commercial and show content
That way the commercials and popups are long-gone-silver.
HW.no is active and tries to block attempts for blocking this.
If they are serious they should use sessions and hide articles behind a userportal solution.
If you have other sites that you would like to share tips like this, please let me know in the comment field!
They blocked it again, but just blokking http://static.tek.no/js/jquery.min.js* works fine like mentioned here before 🙂
It worked, but I can’t see the pictures or thumbnails. Please make a step-by-step explanation, because I’m not a code monkey.
Don’t work anymore it seems
Fixed again, they have changed their check
[script src="http://www.hardware.no/js/adtech_ad_v2_av_99999.js"][/script]
So by adding whilechard to the filename then it will work until they change it again.