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Codeguru.com inline ads removal script

I have been using codeguru.com for years and the inline commercials/ads are just taking up to much space. Not to talk about the forums with the “Click to remove” ad. Really annoying.

Most of you uses Firefox and you have probably heard about the Greasemonkey scripts and it is the bomb! If you don’t have it installed, get it here https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748

Now for the script, download it from here: codeguru.user.js or from userscripts.org (great site)

If nothing works then add your own script with the site *.codeguru.com* as site to react to

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Codeguru Inline Ads Remover
// @namespace      http://lars.werner.no
// @description    Removes inline commercials at codeguru.com and the forum
// @include        *.codeguru.com*
// ==/UserScript==

var isForum = (location.href.indexOf('/forum') != -1);
var isArticle = (location.href.indexOf('/article.php') != -1);
var isMain = (location.href=='http://codeguru.com') || (location.href=='http://www.codeguru.com') ||
(location.href=='http://codeguru.com/') || (location.href=='http://www.codeguru.com/');

//Gets the elements by it class
function getElementsByClass(searchClass, node, tag)
    var classElements = new Array();
    if (node === null) { node = document; }
    if (tag === null) { tag = '*'; }
    var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);
    var elsLen = els.length;
    var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\\\s|$)");
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
        if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
            classElements[j] = els[i];
    return classElements;

//Hides the class we're looking for
function removeClass(searchClass, node, tag)
    var cElements = getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag);
    if (cElements.length > 0)
        for (i = 0; i < cElements.length; i++)

//Alternative to just remove that child
//            cElements[i].parentNode.removeChild(cElements[i]);


//Removes the inline commercial in an article
function removeInLine()
  if(document.body.innerHTML.match('') )
	//Get positions
	var first = document.body.innerHTML.search(//gi);
	var last = document.body.innerHTML.search(/') )
	//Get positions
	var first = document.body.innerHTML.search(//gi);
	var last = document.body.innerHTML.search(//gi);
	var length = document.body.innerHTML.length;

	//Only show what we want to ;)
 	var text = document.body.innerHTML.substring(0, first);
	text = text + document.body.innerHTML.substring(last, length);
	document.body.innerHTML = text;

//Remove the silly adds who blocks 1/4 of your screen...
if (isForum)
  removeClass("clickhere", document, "span");
  //Remove the silly inline ads

Notify bugs in comments please…

Main school project homepage

I got some requests for the link to my earlier main schoolproject exams. Here is the link: http://tfweb.hit.no/2004/IA5-4-04/ (only in Norwegian)

Now I would recommend to watch the video that we made, check it out here. Select your speed 384, 764 or 1024

To explain to my english readers:
This video shows how we operated a sortingmachine by type; plastic or metal + that it sorted different colors between plastic. Our assigment was to add AS-i bus and ProfiBus with a operatorpanel to the model. By adding these features it forced us to reprogram the whole thing. Everything is operated by a PLD using Siemens S7 Simatic system, and it worked quite good at the end.

We decided a design of the operatorpanel and I constructed it. Check out a demo on the software here (Flashplayer required or you can download this)

The college was suppose to use the modell as a showoff feature for new students. I dunno if they did use it, but it is pretty cool to say: “we did that” at the end.

My partners in crime at the project does these days work in that category of work, me on the other hand selected to work for the government. Check out their homepage:
Tormod Strand
Per-Atle Larsen

Comments on eTrust Pest Patrol Antispyware

I’ve been working on getting an answer why the eTrust Pest Patrol software detects my software as spyware (None of the other Antispyware softwares like Adware, Spy Bot Search & Destroy does not detect that). So today after several e-mails I finally got an answer. Take a look at this:

Dear Lars,

Thank you for contacting CA Consumer Support.

I am happy to inform that we have worked with the development team and have
included exclusion for your software and have tested the same.

The latest update for the Pest Patrol software does not detect your softwares
as pest/spywares.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Have a nice day!

Sr. Support Engineer
CA Consumer Support

Now this is the proof that eTrust Pest Patrol did detect SizeMe as spyware. If you update to the latest version eTrust Pest Patrol then SizeMe will not be detect as spyware any more.

Thanks for the feedback (from many users) about this, and thanks to Robert@CA for handling this much better this time.