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Cuil should really check their sources

There is nothing like a new service and Cuil.com is no exception. Like myself many people search for their own name. Since I was so lucky having the same name as an old Swedish communist party leader Lars Werner I could easily get “lost” in the information jungle.

I have done my job of linking my site to several download sites and since Google does count how many links you have incoming you rank higher on their list (Check it out)

When Cuil want to present information regarding my name, they use their “Wiki sources” and create a Swedish categorized box and start linking known pictures to the links below, here is the results
Cuil results
I can tell you right now, that guy on the picture is not me 🙂 I don’t know who it is and I really don’t care. But to promote my homepage I want the search to be relevant for me. Hopefully the Cuil guys will fix it after I contact them.

Secondhand they continue to use the picture they got and linking it to several places in later searches, like this
Cuil search for Lars Werner page 2

A funny result with “dumb” computer indexing solutions is that the old drunk bastard Lars Werner really looks like this
Lars Werner Left party leader
These guys doesn’t look very alike, do they?

One Swedish attorney, also named Lars Werner 🙂 , is the victim of Cuil facethrowing (if that is really an expression). Here is his picture that has been used all over the place
Lars Werner attorney
See the resemblance?

Another thing: Since the picture is so big I guess Cuil has either manually processed the picture or have an automated face recognition system to clip the pictures. Either way this is wrong when the sources isn’t checked and Cuil should stop the practice until they can verify correct names to links.

I take this “dilemma” with big ease, but Cuil could really piss somebody off, beware!