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Get XBMC tear free on Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) / 11.10 (Oneiric)

If you aren’t familiar with XBMC, please check out my earlier guides.

My hardware is: Asrock ION330 (works great for 720p and 1080p)

I have been running XBMC on 8.10 (Intreprid) for quite a while and now I have updated to 11.04 (Natty).
Everything works fine, but HEY!, tearing on SD / HD material, argh!!!

Step 1. Getting rid of Unity
Guess I’m getting old, but I don’t like to “search” or pin my stuff to a bar + many people reported that Unity is a tear problem.
First go to the system settings:

Goto the systemsettings in ubuntu

Second to the login screen:

Start the Login Screen function and change the session variable to "Ubuntu Classi"

With these changes you are rid of Unity and back to the god’ol Ubuntu.
Tip: You can also make your user automatic login on the Login Screen, check it out while you’re there.
(Pictures are snagged from here, thanks mate…)

Step 2. Changing the xorg.conf
I tried several tips on how to get the tearing off.
I didn’t know that the Composite was manadatory to disable on my ION box, but it is…

To add this open a terminal then write

sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Goto the bottom and add the text below.

Section “Extensions”
Option “Composite” “Disable”

While you are in the xorg.conf, why not add all the entries suggested by the XBMC wiki:

Tip 2: Alternative to write the xorg.conf yourself;

sudo nvidia-xconfig -no-composite

Now reboot and get your tearfree VDPAU ION computer to work as expected! ๐Ÿ™‚

Compiz and others, check this out:
If you are running Compiz or maybe have a ATI card (or something) please check out this post

Not for the faint heart ๐Ÿ˜‰
I use the unstable NVIDIA drivers, if you experience any trouble you should try them.
Use this guide to add a new entry to the repositary, then include this PPA: ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
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