Somehow I got some inspiration and a request for fixing the NetSync for Winamp 2.xx and 5.xx. The stuff that are fixed:
* New fancy icon (lol)
* It updates clients when a playlist changes
You might expect bugs, but I do not care about that right now 🙂 Be happy you got an update!
Download NetSync (v0,5) updates here
Large – Thanks for the tip about squeeze box server and player – 10 minutes later and I’m synced on 2 computers playing Teenage Wasteland on internet radio. Sweet!
Thank you Pierre 😉
You can even sync your Spotify stream to many units. That is my favorite feature 🙂
Awesome little plugin you have here. It does 99% of what I needed.
My Config: Five offices, spread out across the country, all using an identical copy of a Winamp playlist, for local music on hold. VPN and VoIP connecting all offices.
The problem: When transferring a caller from one location to another, the hold music was different due to the destination phone system playing a different song.
A few seconds of difference in the audio doesn’t matter at all for this use.
Your plugin solved this little problem perfectly!
The only thing I wish it did, is for the server to try and reconnect, after X seconds or so, if a connection to a client is lost.
My solution to that, is to schedule at 8:00am every morning, a ‘taskkill’ of Winamp on the server, then restart it. That way it will force a reconnect at start up. As you mentioned, UDP might have taken care of that, since it would just send the change signal at every track, and it would automatically reconnect at the next change signal.
It might also be useful to be able to open the ‘Server Status’ window after closing it. That would show that all clients are still online.
Just wanted to let you know; almost 10 years later, your program is still useful and appreciated!
Thank you much,
Yeah baby!
This is it!
I tried so many things, searching for the ultimate music-sync-app… But something THAT simple! And even using my favorite GUI for playing music – Winamp!
@all: even though this plugin is fairly old, it still works perfectly! There is a slight delay between the two (~200ms?) but if you can live with it, you got the perfect tool!
Thankx Claudius 😉
The 200ms delay will be different based on network conditions…
It uses TCP as a “sync” mechanism… IF I had made the plugin today a UDP implementation would be used, much quicker 😉
Personally I use Squeezeboxs and their sync-feature, it is on-the-spot all the time (each unit streams from same source).
If you want to check it out, try download Squeezeplay + Squeezebox-server ( ) and use your smartphone or webbrowser to control them too 🙂
Hi, I have great expectations of this utility, as I have the same setup as Eric.
I cannot get the ‘hostaddress/hostname’ sorted out though. I have tried the host ip, host name, and client ip. I have turned off the XP firewall to eliminate that.
any thoughts?
thanks in advance,
Easy,,, Here’s a setup. I use my laptop downstairs(server) using Winamp and NetSync to controll the pc upstairs(client) via wireless lan. I have a USB FM Modulator on the client upstairs broadcasting the signal coming from Winamp(mp3, shoutcast, etc). Then I can turn on any radio around my house(stereo, shower radio, fm headphones, car outside, etc) and listen to my tunes.
In my case I don’t need to listen to the laptop(server) because I’m just using it as a big remote to control the upstairs computer which is the source of where I want my sound to originate from. So even though there can be a small lag(I understand after reading snarfed) it doesn’t matter.
I love this app, it’s just ties it all together.
Thanks for your kind help, you did a great plugin program… that doesnt exists anywhere else and that is very usefull! actually my only solution.
And i’ll be sure to donate!